
Social network Diaspora

Diaspora is a startup of four students at New York University who spent their summer holidays on it. The development was conducted on donations: six thousand people from around the world using micropayments sent 200 thousand dollars. They say even Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, threw some money to the students. It is difficult to say how successful the project will be. But it’s good when new ideas emerge, ”founder and co-owner of the Odnoklassniki project Albert Popkov told BusinessFM:

“It is difficult to say something concrete, but, in general, I think it is always good when new projects appear, when new ideas appear. If Diaspora brings something new to our life in general, and can hook people up with some unusual idea, then, in principle, they have the opportunity and some chance to gain a foothold. ”

The authors of the project say that Diaspory users will be able to control the spread of personal information themselves. If students fulfill all promises, something new will really appear on the Internet. The general director of MediaMir, Mikhail Gurevich, says:

“The main difference, as far as, in any case, stated by the creators, is a kind of distributed database, which allows for greater confidentiality, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the security of the data users enter about themselves. Another thing is that, as long as it will actually look like, we imagine it is rather conditional, but the trend, one might say, is taking place. ”

Experts explain: Diaspora is not a social network, but only a platform for its creation. It is unknown when the services based on it will be available for the end user. In any case, the owners of Facebook may not worry yet: in the coming year, the outflow of users due to the emergence of “Diaspora” is not expected. And its prospects in Russia are foggy at all. Commentary ex-MySpace CEO Russia Alexander Turkot:

“What does it mean to compete? 500 million people she does not pick up. The fact that many users today have an account on more than one network is also a well-known fact. Some part of the active, I think, will go to the diaspora. And I can’t say what the future of the diaspora is. In general, I do not rule out the possibility that at some point Facebook will simply take it and buy it. ”

Meanwhile, the project participants announced that they plan to start their own business by organizing hosting on the basis of the Diaspora code for hosting blogs of users who do not have enough time or knowledge to build nodes of the new social network. Whether this will generate revenue, experts predict not taken.


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