
Stylish Internet

Homepage – this is your house… virtual, of course. Of course, you can legally notice: “My home! What I want, I turn back!” However, the main task of your virtual house is to receive guests. And the guests are the same people, therefore the design of the page should be “humane”: comfortable, beautiful and fast, and the content should be useful and / or interesting.

What not to do

You should not use ready-made graphics (ciparts) for your page: all sorts of colorful backgrounds, buttons, arrows. When all this mess flashes and moves, the page turns into a creepy peacock. This is very annoying, and besides, it can slow down the browser. In this regard, the recently appeared project narod.ru, which allows you to use ready-made templates for your sites, is terrible. By themselves, the design options are very personal, but when you see the same thing for the twentieth time, the cursor itself reaches for the window close button (if only because of the feeling that you have already been here).

In general, do not overload your website with graphics: hang up the counters and a bunch of banners (advertising pictures). By the way, the unspecified limit on the “weight” of one page html along with graphics and texts is 60 Kb. Also, do not use frames (display in a single window of several pages html) in cases where they are not justified. Not only do they make it difficult to access individual pages of the site, they can also confuse the surfer with a lot of scroll bars. A place for frames can serve as a chat, because one of the pages with the text should be constantly updated. It is not necessary to hang up a sign “under consction” and settle a bored “man with a shovel” in his house. Surely, he will remain for permanent residence. For such cases it is better to write that the site is constantly updated.

And more recently, cases of hooligan bullying over the browser status bar have become more frequent. Many people push all sorts of information there that could be displayed in normal ways. This is comparable to blindfolding the user, because The status bar is one of the tools to navigate the waters of the Internet. For example, if the line is intact, a person when hovering over a link will know exactly where it will go, and that it will not be deceived by some porn site. Sometimes when loading a new page, up to 20 (!) New windows open, which the user most often does not want to see. For such things in general it is necessary to tear off the ears :). Although the entire network of people for such tricks has already developed immunity – the windows are closed before loading.

No need to clutter up your site with a lot of useless information (text box with time, dollar rate, etc., etc.). For such information, verified information and thematic servers will most likely be used. What should be done the Site, no matter what kind it is, is just a tool for conveying any information to people. This means that the quality and type of this tool largely determine the assimilation of information. As for the home page, it should be easy to navigate, interesting and stylish. For this, it is worthwhile to have at least elementary notions about the compatibility of colors, and not to sculpt “bright yellow in bright turquoise” (sometimes it happens).

If you want to make a photo gallery on your site, then it is reasonable to make an index page with thumbnail images of photographs (separate files) and make links to relevant photos from them. Of course, it is worth optimizing graphics. This requires good knowledge of optimization theory and good tools, which, thank God, is full of. Specifically, it is very difficult to advise, because Many graphics programs have built-in optimization tools. Good are compressors from Uead.

And finally, I can advise to check links on your site more often.


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