IT generation
Talk about the impending death of the print media is not the first year, but it seems that right now the bad prophecies are starting to come true. The audience of online news publications is growing from year to year faster, at the same time, the usual form of dissemination of information is dying increasingly. This is confirmed by data published by Forbes magazine.
The Association of Newspapers of America, which commissioned a study on the increasing trends of the reading public network, was probably not very pleased with the results. Thus, the influx of Internet users in 2007 was 2.7%, while the number of readers of electronic media reached 37% of the total number of World Wide Web users. As for specific figures, in 2007, about 59 million people visited news sites every month. A fantastic figure, apparently, every day will only grow.
The fact that people accustomed to the digitized media format “live” much more actively on the Web also deserves interest. In particular, they make more purchases in online stores and more often use blog services. Moreover, 12% of users of online versions of newspapers earn about 150 thousand dollars a month.
The trend, unfortunate for newspapers, is complemented by the fact that every tenth reader does not buy the paper version of the publication, and therefore, does not actually pay for it, preferring to use the Internet version. By the way, the average age of a network reader is from 18 to 34 years. One cannot but agree that in 5-7 years half of the American reading public (and the rest of the world after it) will completely abandon paper newspapers. Probably the next step will be a decline in interest in the usual for all television. In the end, video reports are broadcast on the Internet.
The overall picture is also interesting because the level of censorship in the online media is rather low, while at the same time their credibility is high enough. The influence of the official authorities on the Internet is not yet very noticeable, but, perhaps, soon we should expect the increased attention of state structures to the national segments of the Network.